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MapLink™ | Procedures | Rental Duration Limitations

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Rental Duration Limitations
Limitations on number of days allowed for short-term rental use.
(1) Hosted short-term rental uses. There is no limit on the number of days per year that a dwelling unit may be used for a hosted short-term rental use.

(2) Unhosted short-term rental uses.
(a) Unless allowed a greater number of days below, no unit shall be used for an unhosted short-term rental use for more than 29 days in any calendar year in the Conservation, Agricultural, Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and High Density Residential Zones. This limitation of 29 days shall not apply to any written rental agreement that existed as of July 1, 2022, provided that the rental concludes by September 30, 2022. For the purposes of this section, each of the following shall count as one day:
[1] A rental of 24 hours.
[2] A rental of less than 24 hours that includes an overnight stay.
[3] A rental of less than 24 hours that does not include an overnight stay.
(b) An owner of a unit that satisfies at least one of the following criteria may rent such unit for unhosted short-term rental uses for up to 90 days in the aggregate in any calendar year:
[1] A unit that is (a) located in a Conservation, Agricultural, Low Density Residential or Medium Density Residential Zone on a parcel that is larger than three acres, and (b) located more than 40 feet from the side property lines.
[2] A unit that is located in a Conservation, Agricultural, Low Density Residential or Medium Density Residential Zone on a parcel that is not adjacent to any parcels that contain a dwelling.
(c) No unit shall be used for an unhosted short-term rental use for more than 245 days in any calendar year in the Lakefront Residential Zone. This limitation of 245 days shall not apply to any written rental agreement that existed as of July 1, 2022, provided that the rental concludes by September 30, 2022. For the purposes of this § 270-219.7, each of the following shall count as one day:
[1] A rental of 24 hours.
[2] A rental of less than 24 hours that includes an overnight stay.
[3] A rental of less than 24 hours that does not include an overnight stay.

See § 270-219.7: Short-term rental uses for complete, detailed information.